Maggi Vs Top Ramen
Bachelor's Best Friend 

For years Maggi has been the Bachelor’s best friend. Recently it attained more fame because of Saurav Ganguly. I found a striking resemblance between the packaging of Maggi Masala flavour and Top Ramen Masala.
Reasons why I feel Top Ramen has copied from Maggi
- The colour combination (Red & Yellow) is similar and an unwary customer might end up buying one instead of the other.
- Identical picture of cooked noodles (with beans, peas and tomato) in both the packages.
I thought of posting this snap and eliciting the views of SambharMafia readers. Do you think Top Ramen is imitating Maggi? Is it right in doing so?
On a related note, I also noticed that ITC’s Sunfeast range of biscuits have packaging very similar to that of Britannia biscuits (especially my favourite – Bourbon). Sorry, I don’t have pictures to explain the similarities.
hehehe..despite your slant at Top Ramen, i personally prefer them over maggie at times. I believe, since both of them, have helped me out on plenty tired evenings, both should be celebrated and neither should be lamented!
CAR, at 3:59 AM
hey bourbon is my fav too :)
Me, at 11:25 AM
hello Kaps. Top Ramen has an edge over Maggi. It is any bachelors saviour !
KRTY, at 12:38 PM
Good observation..yet Top Ramen is my choice !!
Adaengappa !!, at 7:16 PM
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OJ_Audet @, at 11:41 PM
Hmmmm, such similarities, so the winner might be determined by:
Can you believe it ;^)
OJ_Audet @, at 11:48 PM
@Yardboy - I took the quiz and my choice turned out to be Chilli. They didn't have a masala flavour though!
Kaps, at 1:57 AM
I vote for TR.. not T Rajendar but Top Ramen
Chakra, at 11:29 PM
Maggie is my favourite.
Here is an interesting experience: I went to school with someone who is way up in the Top Ramen corporate ladder. We used to call him the "The Noodles Man"... whenever we go to a grocery store, he used to run to the aisle that carries the noodles and he will inspect if Top Ramen is displayed properly.
I wonder if the Maggi executives display the same enthu.
Venky Krishnamoorthy, at 11:10 AM
Stop man!!! Maagi cannot even be compared with TOPRAMEN cauz.. Maagi becomes rubber if cooled....but Top ramen stays nice and eatable... Top Ramen's masala is good too...
i accidentally baught Maagi instead of topramen,,, and i had to throw the entire familypack worth Rs 75....
I hate Maagi!!
Smooth Dude!, at 4:15 AM
Hey dude top ramen's founder momofoku ando invented the instant id rather every instant noodle brand is a copy of top ramen.
Shiv "Sam" Kokroo, at 11:43 PM
top ramen nice food, yummy taste
raje, at 10:39 AM
top ramen is best .... try to eat maggy and top ramen direct ... u will find ramen is very soft then maggy ... masala of top ramen is very tasty then maggy ...
Ankit, at 8:48 PM
top ramen can't be coping maggi. topramen invented instant noodles globally. but the 2min noodles i actually like the best is Smith and Jones masala noodles tadka marke. mazeedar hain
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM
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