International Media’s fascination for India and China continues

Nandan Nilekani was posed a question about the Infy’s plans for the Indian market:
Q: You said India is becoming a big market, yet Infosys itself doesn't do much business in India. Is that going to change?A: We're the dominant player in the banking industry. We're looking at other sectors. Right now, the big markets in India will be driven by consumption stuff -- cell phones and planes. We don't really have [a] play in that. Indian companies have a lot of employees, so eventually we'll have a role in making them more efficient. The same stuff and know-how that's allowing Indian firms to make the rest of the world become more competitive is going to start playing out in India. It's happening.Today we have an airline called Jet Airways. I've met some executives from the Western airlines who say Jet Airways has the best customer services of anybody. I was pleasantly shocked to hear that. We're going to see more and more of that. Telecom is the big success story. We have tremendous growth and the lowest prices in the world. There's a delay between technology and social adaption. We're seeing that lag period. But in the next 10 to 20 years, technology will play as important a role in domestic productivity growth and social change as it has played in the West.
PS: BusinessWeek still prefers to call the Indian cities by their old names (Bombay and Madras).
There is nothing wrong in Business Week calling Indian cities by their old names. How many in their respective cities call their cities as Bombay, Calcutta, Madras? It is difficult to erase centuries old names in a decade. Also, the colonial names give a sense of nostalgia, so many still use the same names.
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
Dui dui, I would still call Mumbai Bombay, as that what it says on my birth certificate. Also note that these cities were set-up (or expanded to their hub status) by the British, so no harm in calling them by the name they are well known as.
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM
Impressive Kaps. How do you find the time
Unknown, at 8:34 PM
@Anon & Preetam,
I just made a remark that BW has called the Indian cities by their old name. I have nothing against it. Further there is a nostalgia associated with the old name. Most of the airlines also prefer to call them by their old names.
got some time over the weekend.
Kaps, at 9:20 PM
Kaps, Since u read so many financial articles and u well versed in all the business affairs, what do you expect of the stock market in India? will it make a correction or will it be a upward mark?
Srinivas, at 3:51 AM
nice one kaps!Nilekani's views are optimistic and i hope india does become a truely developed country..but i also hope the it guys dont forget the rural sector..when they talk of india developing..otherwise it will be india shining reloaded!!
Siddharth, at 4:01 AM
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Anonymous, at 4:08 AM
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Anonymous, at 4:33 AM
Sometimes we do use the old names, Kaps. It is the habit of so many years.. can't change immediately. May be, after sometime we will stop calling them by the names like 'Bombay/Madras/Calcutta'.
Ram C, at 11:26 AM
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