Rajini and Meena adorn Indian snack product in Japan

This is what a Japanese Blogger had to say about Rajini and this snack item:-
Speaking of Indian movies, "Muthu" is the most popular for Japanese people. It was made in 1995 in India. Have you seen it? This is a story about a servant named Muthu. Maharaja who is Muthu's boss falls for a girl Langa* who is an actress of a road company, but she falls for Muthu.It's a love story, but it's not only that. Highlights are scenes of dancing, singing and fighting. They sing songs and dance, when they are happy.They sing songs and dance, when they are sad.And they sing songs and dance, even if they have no reasons.In fact, they are singing and dancing in the better part of the movie. Also,you mustn't miss the scene of chasing by the horse and cart. This movie was a big hit in India,and also in Japan. Actually I love it.
Recently I found a Muthu's photo at a convenience store. It was on a package of snacks. This is a snack named "Garam masala" that is on the confectionery maker Tohato.Usually, I don't really eat snacks,but I found myself buying it. 42 kinds of spices are used to make it,so taste is really spicy.After I ate it, I unconsciously felt like seeing the "Muthu" again. If you have a chance, I recommend to see the "Muthu" and eat it.
Tour operators in Japan organize Dancing Maharaja tours wherein the tourists are brought to Chennai and they are taken to a movie hall, which shows a Rajini movie. After this they meet up with Rajini / Latha Rajinikanth. The tour package also includes a Tamilnadu / South India tour. The Osaka fan club of Rajini even has its own website, the only problem being that everything is written in Japanese :-)
*I think Meena's character was called Ganga.
Ha ha ! Thalaivar Vaazhga !
Woodooz, at 6:15 PM
Wow. What can you say! I always thought it was just a hype by the Tamil media, obviously its not.
Unknown, at 6:17 PM
I've seen a Japanese website dedicated to Rajni but couldn't make out a words as it was all in Jap (of course!)........
Well, what can one say... these things happen, you know......
Bala (Karthik), at 6:42 PM
Thalaivar thalaivardhaan! :D
Sridhar Raman, at 6:49 PM
I read abt this in Express y'day or the day before and was sure that you'd blog abt this. :)
- Chakra.
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM
I remember a joke in which a man in vatican city recognizes rajinikanth but fails to recognize the pope :-) .Rajini rulezzz
Jagan, at 9:44 PM
jagan ;)
Ganesh, at 10:06 PM
Jagan...Sudarman made that post sometime back...:)
Yeah...Rajini rocks...
Anonymous, at 10:30 PM
Wow.. thalaivar weight-u!!
btw, meena's character was Ranganayaki in the movie.
tt_giant, at 11:31 PM
Superstar-u Yaaru nu ketta.. chinna kozhandhai-yum sollum!
Thalaivar thalaivar dhaan...
Oh.. btw...in another Jap site.. there is a PDF file scanned from hand drawings, showing how to dance to the Autokaaran song! Check this out!
These Japs are mad!
anantha, at 12:04 AM
read the news elsewhere a couple of days ago. wasnt too convinced. but the pics confirmed it. super news :)
Balaji, at 12:28 AM
My mama stays in Japanand he is settled out there...so he was telling me about this! he works at prudential! when this movie was released they almost kidnapped him to know more Rajini and to translate all the other movies of Rajini..
mama was saying, enikume thalaivar thalaivar than! :)
IBH, at 2:30 AM
yeha! my learning was from him..he has finished Level 1 in Japanese....so he is very good at Japanese and works in Prdential as a translator mostly! :)
IBH, at 2:31 AM
what was the response to chandramukhi in japan
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM
Interersting!! Brings back memories of school days when my Tamil speaking friends used to argue who was better-Rajini or KamalHaasan...
patiala pataka, at 7:17 PM
Good post.
The news about Muthu's success is written time and again in newspapers and magazines. Why do japanese like our stuff? Any opinions?
Chaitanya Sagar, at 7:31 PM
I guess by now you would have heard about the news of Rajni's next film. AVM Productions + Shankar.....
Bala (Karthik), at 10:26 PM
All i can say is....
Thalaiva rocks...
Sunil, at 3:00 PM
Meena's character was called Ranga...short for Ranganayaki
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
Thanks guys.
As Swapna has pointed out, Sudhish Kamath wrote about it few weeks ago.
@TT giant,
Thanks for letting me know about Meena's character in the movie.
The autokaaran dance was too good.
I think Chandramukhi has not yet been released in Japan...need to confirm this with somebody.
Kaps, at 11:57 AM
Kaps I'm sorry mams ... I'm stealing your post ... Very funny.
Saravana, at 3:54 AM
Amazing. Can't believe its a year since you posted this. I had to Google for this to link to my post... and suprised to see it was august 2005!
Either I have a good memory or your posts are very unique. :)
Govar, at 9:48 PM
Boon to rajini fans now you can buy RAJNI SIVAJI T SHIRT online at http://www.mvscorp.com/cinema/
enjoy the movie wearing rajini T shirt
Anonymous, at 12:46 AM
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