Time to grow up

Try opening Asian Age webpage in Firefox browser and you will get the error message featured on the screenshot alongside. This is the first time I’m coming across a site that says that it can be viewed only in IE. Does Bill Gates have a stake in Asian Age?
Before someone goes off taking what Rajesh says to be the literal truth, let me set the record straight.
What happened was that the spreadfirefox.com site was hacked and when a break in occurs, it is assumed that data has been compromised. Instead of covering up, they immediately informed all users and asked them to change their passwords.
Now this data leak didn't affect all of Firefox's users. Just those who had registered at this website which is a community based promotion site for Firefox.
So branding this: "Firefox has let out the personal details of some of its users" is highly misleading. I just hope you were misinformed and are not a FUD spreader.
Finally, if it isn't obvious by now, this incident had nothing to do with the browsers themselves.
Anonymous, at 1:09 AM
I just visited the Asian Age site. Why would you want to go there Kaps?!
Ugly scrolling ticker on top, blinking gif eyesore advts on the left, tacky main page layout and oh, frames!
I think they are covering their asses by not letting the discerning Firefox users see their monstrous creation. ;-)
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM
I am dumbstruck. A media company that could be so dumb? Has this paper ever heard of Linux or Macintosh?
I suspect, though, the real reason is they hired *really* bad web designers. Gosh, even microsoft.com is accessible through Firefox.
Anshul, at 2:08 AM
Thanks for dropping by
Thks for the clarification. I use Firefox and I was not even aware of this problem
Although I don't visit Asian Age regularly, I come across one of two links once in a while....and I get this error on my browser.
Finally got fed up of it and decided to blog about it.
Maybe they feel that having a web prescence doesn't matter for them.
Kaps, at 3:19 AM
Rajesh stop spreading your FUD. As explained by antrix, there was an exploit in spreadfirefox.com site not in Firefox browser.
Official News Release
Slashdot coverage on this news,
I thought Hindu is the worst indian newspaper website. Asian Age beats Hindu. I think these ppl are living in the by gone era. The funnier part is Firefox supports all the technoligies mentioned by them and IE does not support CSS2. And they say FF is incompatible use IE. grrrr
Kaps u ca use User Agent Switcher extension for firefox for visiting these kind of sites.
u can change the brwoser name sent to the web server thru this extension.
Happy Browsing !!!
Saravan, at 9:34 AM
I was really surprised... more and more ppl are shifting to FF and still there are sites, which say "use IE" !!!
Firefox has scored over IE in many surveys and tests.... Time to shift to FF....
Firefox Roxxx
Aravind, at 10:30 AM
you may find it hard to believe, but many Javascript functions are not good in Firefox. Firefox, though Javascript compliant, is not that friendly with it. I myself have seen a simple JScript page not working on Firefox, but worked on IE. (opera was even poor till version 7.6).
however, the websites have to be designed in such a way, they suit every genere of browsers. Forget Asian Age kaps, BSNL when trying to log on to Dataone site using Firefox, it says "Wrong IE !".
KRTY, at 7:50 AM
>>Firefox, though Javascript compliant, is not that friendly with it.
what do you mean by "not friendly."
>>a simple JScript page not working on Firefox, but worked on IE.
JScript has lot of proprietary implementation of javascript by M$(embrace and extend ). How do you expect Firefox/Opera to support the non standard proprietary implementations of M$.
Saravan, at 10:50 AM
Saravan, not friendly means abrupt stops in the middle of an execution. Thats filthy.
Im nobody to expect something from firefox. You cant expect from a free software, i mean, by authority. But, it is true that if web-sites use the so called "non standard proprietary implementations of M$" then the browser wont support it. I havent seen a site that wont execute fully on IE, but execute on Firefox.
Whatever, im a happy firefox user.
KRTY, at 12:46 PM
>> means abrupt stops in the middle of an execution. Thats filthy.
May be that is not coded properly(bugs in javascript written by the website developer) or a bug in firefox.
if u feel that it is a browser bug then file a bug in mozilla's bugzilla site https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/.
Dont generalise the problem and show me some examples.
>>Im nobody to expect something from firefox. You cant expect from a free software, i mean, by authority.
you can contribute to an open source project by filing bugs and writing test cases. If the bug is a critical one, then it will be fixed quickly otherwise it will be fixed based on the bug's priority.
>>But, it is true that if web-sites use the so called "non standard proprietary implementations of M$" then the browser wont support it. I havent seen a site that wont execute fully on IE, but execute on Firefox.
Most of the sites are focussed on IE/IE standards, not on W3C standards. so it will be difficult to find page that works in Firefox and not in IE.
Sample sites,
Visit this site in IE and FF/Opera. scroll the page down and see what happens to the right links navigation bar in each of the browser. In IE, the right navigation bar is fixed does not float when we scroll down the page. In FF and Opera u see the right navigation bar floats even u scroll down the page. Firefox/Opera display them correctly as per w3c standards and IE fails. This page explains why it is not displayed in IE correctly and workaround for it. http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/menus.html
Some of the CSS bugs in IE.
Finally every browser has bugs. But IE has most of the bugs. Bugs in FF/Opera are fixed quickly. But that can not be said about IE.
Saravan, at 10:55 PM
Saravan, thanks for a detailed url supported comment. I appreciate your arguement.
I understand you are a ardent fan of open-source. To me in India, open-source or any other thing doesnt really matter, because in India, everything is free. I dont pay for any softwares used at home.
if you remember, the microsoft Anti-spyware client first removed IE from the system. (later there were patches from Microsoft). SO, with firefox so far, Im spyware free. But still, when something doesnt look good, or some script doesnt seem to work, i simply put it on my IE and they work. Im still being generic, because i dont remember the url(looks like you are good at it).
KRTY, at 9:05 AM
>> you are a ardent fan of open-source
fan, not ardent fan. i try to use open source software as much as possible. That doesnot mean that I use only open source products. I use MS Office because I find it is better than Open office.
>>To me in India, open-source or any other thing doesnt really matter, because in India, everything is free.
Now it may be free(pirated). but after some time ppl will pay for the software. Open source is the best bet for India. For a normal people, both windows and linux are same. once they get trained on linux then linux can rule.
>> if you remember, the microsoft Anti-spyware client first removed IE from the system
its a news to me. IE is just GUI for the explorer technolgy integerated into windows. Actually mshtml.dll is responsible for rendering html files in windows(not only IE). for exanple CHM files use this dll for showing help.
>>because i dont remember the url(looks like you are good at it)
nothing like that. just ask almighty, your wishes will be granted. ;)
Saravan, at 10:56 AM
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