Bloggers Day Out
If you are a Blogger spending some precious time offline, the last thing you would like to think / discuss about is Blogs. Inspite of all this, the Singapore Indian Blogging fraternity was in full strength at the Second Indian Blogger Meet, which happened on Sunday. In all, we had 21 participants. (We had 20 people for the first meet that we had in June). The Meet was not devoid of celebrities (or should I say Blogebrity?). Chetan Bhagat attended the meet and Deepak Jois even brought a copy of Five Point Someone to get it autographed personally by Chetan.
The S'pore Indian Blogosphere consists of an eclectic mix of bloggers who blog about diverse fields like Politics, Foreign Affairs, Technology, Movies, Current Affairs, Culture & Business. Most of the blogs are available on my blogroll on the right side.
List of people who attended the Meet
Chetan Bhagat and Anusha Bhagat
Deepak Sarda
Deepak Jois
Nitin Pai
Preetam Rai
Prasanna and Mahesh
Ram C
Sunil (currently into Podcasting, plans to start a blog soon)
Thanks to Mito, we had a great venue for the blog meet. The setting was really nice for the large group. We had the usual cappuccinos, lattes and iced teas. The French fries and onion rings ensured that the bloggers didn’t end up going home with a hungry stomach. Preetam wanted to know whether any blogger has a second blog under an anonymous name. Nobody was forthcoming in revealing the same. We have serious doubts that Preetam himself might have an anonymous blog.
Although the blaring music was a slight distraction, the bloggers managed to introduce themselves and their URL’s with full enthu. Akshay had a real difficult time getting his URL across. He claims that his Blog URL is the longest word. Some of the bloggers almost fainted after hearing his URL :-) Vani also had a tough time explaining her URL to Nitin. Nitin Pai was quite busy with his blog post and hence ended up coming late (just in time for the drinks and snacks).
Chetan Bhagat revealed everything except the plot of his next novel. The cat will be out of the bag next month. We wish him the very best. Chetan also promised to perk up his blog by moving it to a better blog service provider.
Most blog meets happen to put a face to the URL. Having achieved that in the past 2 meets, we now hope to discuss about how to use this medium more effectively. With people like Sadagopan to guide us, I'm sure we can make progress in this direction. This well-knit group hopes to interact more often and an egroup will be the first step in that direction.
Knowing that I can't escape without providing pictures of the meet, I leave you with some glimpses of the 9/11 Bloggers Meet:

That is cool to hear :-) Reminds us of arranging for the next bloggers meet here :-)
Arvind Srinivasan, at 3:48 AM
And who's who?
Govar, at 5:15 AM
a detailed one, kaps. your pic is missing again.. hope your are present in Ashwin or Mr.Sadagopan's camera.
Ram C, at 5:50 AM
Blogger meeting... ooooohhhh [drool] That sounds fantastic. Wish there was something like that in Australia. (btw do u know any Indian bloggers from down under)
Speech is Golden, at 7:57 AM
Hey speech, am an Indian blogger in Sydney currently... do let me know where you are and if you know anyone else here who blogs
Nirav, at 8:35 AM
*One* of the longest words in the English lexicon. The longest is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which is a "lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica or quartz dust" (Wikipedia). My FAQ further discusses etymological usage of the Big F Word That I Can't Spell Either (tm).
The Cydonian, at 8:51 AM
Sorry , I missed it. Great to hear that u guys had fun !
Cogito, at 9:26 AM
Great post and awsome pics.Seems like it was fun.
Venky Krishnamoorthy, at 11:26 AM
looks like fun kaps. u guys r really doing a good job meeting regularly.
Balaji, at 1:36 PM
Nice to hear abt the blog meet. A 'Whoz Who' would be quite good.
Chakra, at 8:32 PM
you can't have it too frequently....there won't be any fizz. we had it after a gap of 6 months
@Govar & Chakra,
The whoz who of the S'pore Indian Blogosphere were present. i was too lazy to mention the names.
I was busy taking pics of the meet.
@Speech is Golden "Ram", has a listing of bloggers in various countries. you might be able to find some desi bloggers in australia.
Thanks for the clarification
We missed u as well
U guys should also plan a similar thing
I'm not in the pics
Kaps, at 3:16 PM
Alap Ghosh, at 12:16 AM
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