TIME Magazine - 100 Best Novels
TIME Magazine has come out with a list of 100 Best Novels (published since 1923). Some familiar books which form part of the list are -
A Passage to India
Catch 22
Animal Farm
The Lord of the Rings
The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mocking Bird
A Passage to India
Catch 22
Animal Farm
The Lord of the Rings
The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mocking Bird
the list isnt exhaustive, its doesnt contain some really good works (publiched since 1923), and why is is that books like siddhartha have been left out?? (bodering on philosophy)
ada-paavi!!!!, at 6:37 PM
Somehow I, unlike so many others didn't find Catcher in the Rye a *ahem* literary masterpiece. Poorly written, more like. And at times much repulsive too.
Anonymous, at 7:05 PM
Kaps why dont you put in your own list of favourite list instead of Times.
Ganesh, at 10:01 PM
I find such lists a farce. They serve no purpose than to divide those with a literary incline. And pray, why 1923?
Vijay Krishna Narayanan, at 12:34 AM
agree with ganesh.put up ur list.
Re:-ur previous post.one City Centre Mall is also coming up on Dr.Radhakrishnan road(few yards frm marina and commissioner's office)in mylapore.
Sheks, at 2:21 AM
I am tempted to read 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'. Thanks for the link to the list.
Narayanan Venkitu, at 6:25 AM
Why haven't i read the Catcher in the Rye yet.. despite having heard about it so many times.. This saturday, i guess i will buy that and The den of Thieves..
Admin, at 12:21 PM
These top 100 lists are subjective and the topic of considerable debate about some inclusions and more notable exclusions.Time's is no different.Still they get people reading which is something.
The Bangalore Torpedo, at 11:17 PM
I do agree with u. lot of good books hv been missed out
I also found it difficult to finish Catcher in the Rye. I hope to read it some time.
@Chennai Chatter,
the parameters behind the rankin have not been revealed. hence it gives an indication that it might be biased
I don't get that much time to read books :-(
I'm with u on this.
I hvn't heard of the city centre mall. will check it out next time i'm in chennai
even i haven't read that book. do lemme know how it goes
You may not be lacking anything. lot of people hv expressed the same feeling
i found it extremely difficult to read that one. lemme know how it goes
@Bangalore torpedo,
I agree with u. unless the reveal the evaluation parameters it is difficult to understand the top 100 list.
Kaps, at 10:29 AM
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