Sensationalism at its best
Chennai eveninger Tamil Murasu has sensationalized the fire that broke out at a fuel depot in London earlier today. The following news report says that lots of people have died. As per the original BBC article, no casualties have been reported. Shouldn’t a newspaper exercise more restraint? This newspaper seems to be doing well commercially and it is expanding to 9 cities across TN. Some big-bang TV ads are the prime reason for the commercial success.

They must have felt that anyways their target audience is the less informed crowd, and they can freak out.I hate kalanidhi Maran.
Anonymous, at 12:54 AM
Kaps, please check email :-)
Krish, at 1:01 AM
Hmm... even the SUN Network Channles carried a scrolling text below their channles with messages that many died in London Bomb Blast!
This is just to attract the readers and public towards thier channel and nothing more..
Anonymous, at 5:24 AM
I have been reading ur posts. b/w why r u calling sambar mafia?
Unknown, at 7:15 AM
May be the indian media "predicted" the casualities before the official count was released:-(
Adaengappa !!, at 7:46 AM
Its a sad relection of the "Sensationalism" that exists in the media today. Its not just tamizh murasu, most of the Indian media is a victim of this disease.
Cogito, at 5:33 PM
Hi adengappa, You say May be the indian media "predicted" the casualities before the official count was released
It is the in-thing in Indian media today. Dont you know that? You want another proof? SUN NEWS announced Dr. KR Narayan's death at 2:30pm, while official announcement said he died at 5:30pm. What have you for that?
Guruprasad, at 1:14 AM
Kalanidhi Maran is a business savvy person. My ire is directed at all vernacular media
Thanks! got it
@Midnight edition,
None including blogs are reliable. IMHO blogs are so unpredictable...although they strive to build credibility over a period of time.
Thanks. I also heard about it
Hv mailed u
i hope they don't get into the business of predicting deaths.
Vernacular medium is culprit No. 1
the rest are culprit no. 2
very true
I didn't know that SUN TV announced KRN's death even before he was dead.
Kaps, at 2:13 AM
@GuruPrasad..I dont watch Sun News :-(
Adaengappa !!, at 5:21 AM
When I look into this tamil murasu stuff on london oil depot explosion, I could only recollect one of those evenings in Madurai in 1990.
Malai murasu had published "NT.Rama Rao - Janathipathi" in the front end notices (during that short term rule of Janatha party). When I looked into the content of the newspaper .. it had another word "... aavaraa??"
Ram C, at 12:26 PM
SUN = Sensationalism UNlimited. I remember the 9/11 incident - Sun reported "America-ve pattri erigradhu! Makkal beedhi!"
Anonymous, at 4:12 PM
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