State of Tamil Mags
Identical cover pages (it has to be one of the top 5 heroes or heroines), identical columns, identical columnists & identical gossips to name a few. If you dig deep, you might be able to spot some difference in the newsstand prices. Why can't we merge all of them and save some paper?
Sample of 2 recent cover pages:
Sample of 2 recent cover pages:

I'm reminded of recent Outlook and India Today covers that featured identical top stories...perhaps that bug, like the avian flu, is spreading in media circles, too?
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM
oops, sorry forgot to send the link across.
Unknown, at 7:04 PM
Hi Kaps,
Thats Trend and they never change, couple of weeks back, I remember two leading tamil weekly had Asin photo at thier frontpage but nothing about her in the magazine, but people buy them blindly, thats the business gimmiks and how these evil earn :P
Anonymous, at 3:09 AM
I think it was Bush in the cover page.
Thanks for the link...will take a look.
as i mentioned, top 5 heroes and heroines occupy the cover every Asin's photo should be there once every 10 weeks.
Kaps, at 3:47 PM
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