As mentioned in some of my earlier posts, I get SUN Music only for 2 hours each day and
this dumb girl occupies the screen for 50% of that time (her show is an one hour show from 9 to 10 pm IST). Although I was thinking that this was a request show (with some random quiz questions), it is turning out to be one big comedy programme. If you are really stressed, you should definitely watch this show. BTW, it looks like
I’m not the only one who is making fun of Hema Sinha.
oh...its her! the she devil...irritating donkey. I bet she's going to act in a movie real soon...or atleast a young auntie in a serial...
Im starting to hate blade, ananda kannan...and that kid with hyper syndrom sandhya...i cant believe stupid Sun tv could waste our good 2 hours on that...maybe they should jsut animate a character...
I hope when the new channel Astro and Sun is developing comes out, everything will b in order and less anoying...
gP, at 2:45 PM
Sandhya is equally bad...but she may be as dumb as Hema Sinha. Anandha Kannan is irritating at times, but I can tolerate him as his Tamil diction is pretty good.
Kaps, at 3:07 PM
I wonder how this girl became so popular...
I hate that guy ananda kannan to the core... avanum... avan accent-um... intolerable
there is yet another girl, mahalakshmi..
and her voice is too childish...
b a l a j i, at 4:15 PM
Yes, Anandha Kannan and his group in Sun Music is intolerable.
but guess what?
Sun Music is climbing up on the ratings ladder and has long pushed aside SS music channel amongst the teens particularly in the rural area. Kalanidhi Maran has deftly changed the face of sleeping SCV channel and made it to a money spinning machine.. Unfortunately, Being (acting or otherwise) Dumb fills coffers for Sun..
Ram Viswanathan, at 6:42 PM
Magalaksmi & Pepsi Uma are twins separated @ birth. They ask the same type of questions, same ilippu, same bad dressing sense, same irritating "college-life eppadi poindirukku?" kinda aruvai...
Blogeswari, at 8:26 PM
Not trying to justify, but have you noticed the callers? In a recent show, one caller (student) wanted a clue for answering the highest 3 digit number. You cant have Albert Einstein talking to these dumb callers.
SLN, at 3:10 AM
do what i do channel surf ;p
Visithra, at 11:45 AM
I haven't seen Mahalakshmi...i don't think she comperes in the evenings
@Ram Viswanathan,
I think SS Music has a confused positioning as it tries to telecast songs in various south indian languages (this was their format sometime ago). as u rightly said, SCV has definitely gained in the popularity charts. this shows the general craze for movies and songs.
pepsi uma sounds much better when compared to the sun music comperes.....looks like we have started liking her after putting up with her for more than 10 years.
I really want to see the songs...but don't like toe VJ's
Kaps, at 12:55 AM
Hema Sinha looks great compared to all other SUN MUSIC VJs. She makes the show interesting, perhaps more interesting than the other VJs do.
There is something nice about her,but SHE LOOKS stupid to people -because of the dumb nuts who call in to her. They aint know anything!! not even where the GREAT WALL is !!. and even after giving clues that we all look as STUPID, -the callers cant answer the simplest questions. What do you expect her to do?. To me, Hema is beautiful, and she does her job well enough. –forget the mistakes she sometimes makes.
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
I hate Hema sinha. Come on people, Sandhya is so cute. I love Sandhya and Kanchan. I would only watch their shows.
Anonymous, at 10:17 AM
My Rating - Sun Music VJs
Funky Shankar - A- (Entertaining, no Personality)
Hema Sinha - A+ (Beautiful, silly)
AnandhaKannan - B+ (Stupid jokes)
Maheswary - B+ (Pleasent,Bad tamil)
Aneesha - B- (Doesnt look presentable)
Snadhya - D- (Laughs too much)
Anyone agrees ?
-Tamilian2000 Malaysia 11Aug06
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
Sandhya CUTE ? Please define cute.. I think you got the meaning worng. Sandhya does more laughing than talking, and its so irritating. She really looks MAD.
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
I am the Same anonymous poster. (By Anonymous, at 10:17 AM ).
Sandhya's pretty and cute. You dont think she's cute. Then you define cute. Tell me someone who is cute.
Yeah! Sandhya does laughs too much. I like her that way. She's a VJ. She is the best Tamil TV VJ.
You dont like her because she laughs a lot. How old are you ? I am 19.
Sandhya and Kanchan are my favorite. I would only watch their shows.
knewace, at 1:36 AM
Hey Tamilian2000 Malaysia 11Aug06.
Funky Shankar an A-. Are you nuts? He is the worst thing to happen to Sun Music. He is not fit to be a TV anchor. Him and Blade Dheena.
Hema Sinha - Beautifull. Guess you dont see many pretty girls or you need to wear glasses.
Aneesha - Does not look presentable. You need stronger glasses.
Sandhya D-. You need to change your eyes.
Anonymous, at 9:47 AM
its difficult to tell anything about an rj or a vj,u see guys its difficult to do a show live no 1 is perfect to a 100% perfect show,1st learn to appreciate an artist than u will see him boom to the top ok take care just sharing my views take care see my shows at 7pm at sun music and 9pm listen to hello suryan fm
funky shankar
Anonymous, at 1:33 AM
Ha! Ha!. You really Funky Shankar. What's Funky ? Nee padichu vanguna pattama. ;)
Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
ya ya i got the name from some1 special. friends take care happy deepavali to all
Anonymous, at 9:22 PM
Funky Shankar is it true that Hema Sinha married recently. She was absent from sun music for a very long time.
Anonymous, at 2:39 AM
hi ,
wat about prajin. He is good only is it.
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM
Hey what happened to Sandhya and Kanchan. Have not seen them in Sun Music for some time.
Were they in some programmes. Is it just me who missed them
Knewace / Shaam
knewace, at 4:35 AM
I think Anandha Kannan is doing just good and so is Hema Sinha.
Anonymous, at 11:07 AM
Hey, Ananda Kannan is doing pretty good and so is Hema Sinha.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
Ananda Kanna sucks. He has a very poor hair style. He looks ugly. I think he is a gay.
Anonymous, at 3:27 AM
omg i cant beleive u retarded folks man anandha kannan is beast. i love that boy he is sooooooooooo awesome. man my sister is like obsessed with him. anyway im trying to say WE LOVE YOU ANANDHA KANNAN!
Anonymous, at 5:05 AM
hema sinha is married and is lying. wt's wrong in revealing her marriage? doesn't respect her in-laws.i know her personally...
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM
ananda kanna married long time ago with a singaporean gal...and has kids but he acts like a romeo...chi
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM
Hema sinha isn't married
She's in Geneva now
It's easy to criticize her
But being in her place is a great achievement
Atleast she has earned more money and respect than u morons
Unknown, at 3:44 AM
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