Sathyabama issue erupts again
The media has been full of reports about the unrest at the Sathyabama Deemed University. It looks like things have taken an ugly turn as the management sent thugs (disguised as students) to beat up the students and also to threaten the media. T M Veeraraghav of CNN-IBN claimed that the thugs took possession of the videotape of the CNN-IBN cameraperson and burnt it.
In the war between the AICTE and deemed universities, the students are being used as pawns.
The media became the target of attack this time as well. Cameras and cars were damaged and tapes confiscated allegedly by a section of students and goons hired by the university management.
"Fifty to sixty boys were called from outside. They are not from our college," said a student.
I don’t know why the state government is acting as a silent spectator in this whole issue. If reports are to be believed, Jeppiar has decided to hide behind doors so than he can avoid any trouble.
The agitating students set fire inside the campus and damaged the auditorium as they were not given permission to meet the College Chairman and Chancellor Jeppiaar. The entire campus looked like a war zone as lab equipment, doors and some rooms had been smashed to smithereens. It is being alleged that some of the first year students staying in the hostel were beaten up by the management staff last night for taking part in the protest on Tuesday.
Four students received serious injuries and were admitted to the hospital. The students today gathered together and went to meet Jeppiaar to complain about the incident. However, it is said Jeppiaar was not there and the management representatives asked the students to leave.
Kaps, Any ideas on what the state government could do? Though the issue is affecting lots of innocent students, I'm not sure if the government can directly have a say in a private institutions matters.
Jammy, at 7:14 PM
I just can`t get myself to believe that something like this is happening in a college in Chennai..
srijithunni, at 7:44 PM
"Politicians are busy making under hand deals for elections they have no time now for these engineering students who would vote for Vijaykanth anyways" - press statement from Jailolita - Kolaikari of dravidanadu
Surya, at 11:50 PM
A far fetched thought - if the state government can make a move towards acquiring / nationalizing cable tv so that people's / consumer's interested in protest, why can't the state government do a similar thing here?
Let's hope that the concerns of the students are attended to. Such high handedness doesn't work well for an educational institutions future.
Kaps, at 3:40 PM
LOL. it's true that all politicians are too busy securing their future rather than attending to burning issues.
Kaps, at 3:41 PM
Unfortunately, I am an ex-student of this doomed college and have always regretted for having studied there...I have been following the news articles lately as I live in the U.S. It shocks me to learn the atrocities committed by the management, as they are very much capable of doing it.
I felt happy when I learnt that the students went on a rampage as it was just waiting to happen with bottled up frustration and ill treatment meted out by rogue Jeppiaar and his uncouth son-in-laws...At the sametime, it hurts to learn that the students were roughed up by the management's henchmen...
I dont see justice being delivered in this case because of the political connections and the nature of Jeppiaar himself...
The only solution to this would be for parents and students to refrain from joining ANY of Jeppiaar group colleges.
Anonymous, at 4:31 AM
Well, I too have been a student of one of the Jeppiaar run institutions. Needless to say, I am not surprised at the fact that Jeppiaar and his henchmen have resorted to the use of force to silence the voice of the students. I have seen and heard many such acts of force and violence during my four years there. None of these guys, be it Jeppiaar, his son-in-laws are educated. The worst part is that two of the directors at Sathyabama, who are Jeppiaar's son-in-laws do not even have a college degree. These guys are people who dropped out of college in the first year.
Having said that, my heart goes out to the students of the college. I am not sure of the ramifications of the issues stemming from the non-accreditation of the college from the AICTE.
This whole process of disciplining students must be stopped. Preventing persons of the opposite sexes from talking to each other is a plain case of human rights violation. Unfortunately, this has gone too far and it is no surprise that the students are getting stiffled by this and are now standing up to them. I have nothing but respect for these students. They have managed to do something that we never did. We turned our backs against such atrocities and just wanted to get the hell out of there.
But, a word of caution for the students on the frontline of these protests. Once the issues are resolved (or die down), rest assured, Jeppiaar and his croonies will come after a select bunch of students to prevent such acts from happening again. They (the management) knows only two words -Force & Fear. They will use these measures to the fullest to inculcate fear into the students.
This will end only when parents stop sending their wards to institutions such as these.
Be prepared for more dreadful acts of violence from the management's side. This is just the beginning.
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM
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