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Sambhar Mafia - Cooked To Kill!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Can you recognize the song?

Stud Anand has put up a collection of some famous BGM’s from Tamil movies. You need to guess the name of the movie after listening to the two sets of songs (1980s and 90s). Do give it a shot. Most of them are pretty straightforward. I managed to crack all of them:-)


  • well, i have posted the names of the songs.. but the box doesnt turn green

    By Blogger Blogeswari, at 1:11 AM  

  • @Blogeswari,
    You need to guess the name of the movie (I also made the same mistake like you :-)

    By Blogger Kaps, at 1:14 AM  

  • oops, i had mentioned the names of the songs.. hehe he.. now i get it:)

    By Blogger Blogeswari, at 1:20 AM  

  • Cracked both, but the 90s was the easier set.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:23 AM  

  • yaay! i got 21/25 in the first and 10/10 in the second quiz

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:39 AM  

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