Honeymoon Over, Lok Paritran Splits
It is often said that the Congress party has more factions that the number of members. It looks like the newly formed Lok Paritran is no different. India’s youngest political party already has a splinter group (via RaajK). I think LP put more effort on promoting its Mylapore candidate as it felt that it has a slightly better chance in the Mylapore constituency. This might not have gone down well with the other LP contestants. Surprisingly, Deccan Chronicle is the only MSM to carry this article.

Alright folks, get back to your work now.
LP -Losers Party ?!
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM
The LP's Mylapore candidate shud have said,
"Idha ellam Aarasiyal le sagajam appa"
Surya, at 12:18 AM
I happened to read his interview in another blog. Totally Hopeless. He doesn't have any idea what exactly he wants to do.
dfgfg, at 12:31 AM
Good bye LOK PARITRAN ...You guys again proved that you didn't do the HOMEWORK before contesting.
Shame on you! How would the people have the confidence in you!
And you call yourself IIT'ans.!!and educated youth. Don't you know the mantra 'United..we win'.
Narayanan Venkitu, at 1:08 AM
There is no end to comedy in Indian politics
SLN, at 2:22 AM
Quite funny.
Karthik, at 5:22 AM
Rightly said
the interview you are referring to was insightful and provided some idea of what they plan to do (or not to do) in future.
@venkitu Sir,
none of the contestants in Chennai are IITians.
:-). these guys are a bunch of jokers.
this is real man.
Kaps, at 5:45 PM
this was expected
Anonymous, at 6:01 PM
i edited that story. :)
Nandhu, at 3:46 AM
very true. thanks for dropping by.
Thanx for the clarification. We all believe that the story is genuine.
Kaps, at 11:08 AM
There is a story in Hindu today about this and the proverbial 'caste' issue has raised its ugly head again..
Ram Viswanathan, at 12:38 PM
Atleast tehy tried for a change then sitting in home....or working for a firungi
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM
a clash of personalities is not uncommon in any party. let us salute their spirit of fighting against the odds. let us not write them off. the party has not disbanded so it is not fair to denounce them. Can we stop pouncing on them ? with time they could get mature.
Anonymous, at 7:32 AM
hii guyz, dont be childish. if u guys r really determined to serve in india these things are very minoreeeee. so plz put aside ur differences and work for emergence of a new India. India at present needs youth like u. Jai Hind.
Anonymous, at 10:21 PM
Founding members of lokparitrana fight among themselves and now Tanmay and Ajit have decided to seperate. Tanmay will lead lokparitan and Ajit Shukla will lead his new paritran " bharat punarnirman dal". He claimed to be real patriotic IITian party.He gave strong reasons to quit Lp.Over 95% of LP members have left LP and joined BPD and Bharat Udai Mission.
They can't keep their flock together , they plan to reform India ???
Anonymous, at 6:02 AM
This split is a great loss for the young Indians....I have a great hope with these guys..but still i am optimistic that Bharat Punarnirmaan Dal will lead the young brigade of india.
Wisdom Seeker, at 2:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Well all i can say is, its a process of selection and negation in a political turmoil, but this phenomenon of youth being active is happening after a very long time,and will take time for us even to unite the youth under a roof. called BPD, Bharat Punarnirman Dal, Join and support the youth movement.
for any queries you can contact me
Mahesh Pramod Patil
Bharat Punarnirman Dal
National Working Committee Member
Anonymous, at 1:58 AM
The National General Secretary, Tanmay Rajpurohit and Chandrashekar along with 4 friends, on Saturday, the 10th of May attacked B T Naganna
and they made a complaint against the
Karnataka State President,B T Naganna.What can one man do against 6 persons.?think ??????????????? Tanmay and Chanreshekar had ask
B T Naganna to adjust 6 lakhs elections expenses of a well known party to one of the candidates account.Naganna refused to do so.So he wa called and asked to meet on the way home.Tanmay and Chandrashekar and others met Naganna and others.As Naganna was leaving the others with masks and hockey stick and baseball bat attack Naganna.Naganna in self- defence pick up a stone and hit Tanmay.That is the motive behind the split of Lok Paritran in Karnataka. Please respond to this letter if others Lok Paritran members had any problems.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
Lok Paritran split in Tamil Nadu,Maharastra ,Delhi and Karnataka and others will follow
What have you to say? why, who is corrupt? please comment
All state units are honest so they fight Tanmay and Chandrashekar
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
May 14 2008 : Tanmay and co also had attempted - along with at least 15 others - to attack the State Treasurer on the night of 5th May 2008 around 1am. But luckily, he did not open the door of his house and called the police. They were reportedly after him to adjust Rs. 10 lakhs in the accounts of the State unit of the party !
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM
It seems like Tanmay & Co already messed with TN Politics with the then state president and sacked him as well.
Are they educated IIT'ians or just anoter set of Goondas ?
When the LP guys talk about transperancy, and fighting for the 10 lakhs for karnataka, can they publish all the party accounts to public?
All of their income / expenses since the inception of the party.
Let us see how transperant they are.
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM
Tanmay and Chandrasekar Rajpurohits are hiding from their own party members that they are real brothers ??
what a transparency ??
ha ha ha
somebody said correct that "politics is the last refuge of scoundrel..."
he was right
Anonymous, at 4:58 AM
Hello Everyone,
I have been closely observing this.
For those who don’t know, I was part of core team LP Karnataka and then moved to Pune, and after the split, joined BPD.
When Tanmay came to Pune, he was living in my house for 4-5 days and we had many long discussions.
so I can share my version of truth.
While working in Bangalore, I read a lot of comments[negative] about Tanmay on various blogs, regarding his fanatic hinduism.I completely ignored that.
We were closely working with Ajit Shukla, who was quite decent, logical, inspirational leader. I personally assumed that Tanmay would be falling on the same grounds. when I met Tanmay, the picture was totally different.
1. The first impression about him is always - arrogant, rude.
2. He would refuse to answer any question saying that you have no right to ask anything as we have done so much sacrifice.
3. He does not make effective use of time, I would rush to the meeting, leaving aside all imp office work and after spending 4-5 hours in discussion, I would realise that I have not got anything. Tanmay would be just playing around words and reciting some shlokas of Neetishatak.
4. Tanmay always wanted to establish his own military which he has openly shared with me and many others. his idea was to take 200 youngsters to a farm and train them for 6 months and use them for whatever gundaism he wants to spread. and the same reflects in the photograph. he even has planned further details like uniforms etc..
5. for the above reason, he did not want any women in his party and refused to acknowledge me and my commitment. I am writing this very carefully and I know what I am saying. but this is the truth.
6. now the important question - money.. How would you arrange the funds? Tanmay would either avoid this question saying- paisa to aa jata hai. But I have witnessed him professing corruption and election adjustments. the reason he gave was, if you want to bring in a big change, you must do these small adjustments. But he would never explain what this big change is all about.
7. After observing all this, I could not any more continue under his leadership, and natuarally joined BPD.
8. Nobody expelled Ajit Shukla, Ajit himself went out and formed a new party, because he could foresee natural death to this party due to Tanmay’s behaviour.
I found Tanmay to be hypocritic, as does not come up clean with his ideologies and stands. his ideology documents are vague and superficial. On the same ground, he never promised us corruption- free, efficient government, its our interpretation of it.
people like you and me, who are honest and patriotic, derived this fact that some “IITians” coming up with such a stand must be honest and transparent. so its the problem of wrong expectation.
who pays them, its people like me who are saving a share of their earnings for a noble cause.
Geeta Gokhale
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM
Tanmay is very ambitious and dangerous person.He has left US and joined politics only to grab power and make money. he used to say that he will become more dangerous than hitler one day. He has used all these ideology , neethishatak shlokas , speeches , hinduism , anti corruption to hide his real ambitions. he has mastered the art of brainwashing and knows how to manipulate and use people.He along with his elder brother Chandersekar rajaporuhit has done fraud with many people in many states. To begin with They duped their supporters in Tamilnadu , karnataka and Uttar Pradesh. All kept quiet because they were afraid that reputation of lokparitran will be damaged in public eyes. All their words about honesty , transparency, secularism, corruption free governance are just an eyewash. Spread the word to all the youth before more young students are fooled by their sweet words. They are expert in art of fooling. They can go to any extent to make money. They have badly damaged the prestigious name of IIT and IIM by their criminal activities. Tell all your Friends in blogosphere to be aware of the Tanmay's lokparitrana and refrain from their nefarious designs and anti social activities.
An Ex-IITian
Anonymous, at 11:21 PM
I want to bring to your notice about this political party which has good intentions.
Anonymous, at 12:15 AM
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