Ask anyone who has changed mobile handsets (from one brand to another) recently and he/she will tell you that the transition has been less than smooth. One of the problems is the functionality of the various keys. Unlike a (QWERTY) computer keyboard, where most of the keys (especially the space bars, alphabets and the numbers) are standardized, handset manufacturers have not done much to arrive at some sort of common denominator for the keypad. The first issue people notice is the placement of the space bars, special character keys. People who are adept at messaging at razor speed would find their speed considerably reduced as they try to get acclimatized to the new handset. Even basic functions like screen lock / keypad lock seems to be differ from handset to handset. A standardized keypad should be a big boon to consumers migrating from one handset to the other. Are the handset manufacturers listening?
u rightly pointed out the need for standards. Considering the number of years that handsets have been in market, it is strange they didn't have a standard for this.
While companies(even the rival ones) join hands for standards for technologies used, they miss such trivial things which are very important to the consumers.
Ramkumar, at 4:38 PM
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