Notice Board Spamming

Those who live in Chennai would have definitely noticed such notice boards in front of every house / apartment. During the last 3 / 4 years, advertisers seem to have taken keen interest in displaying such "No entry for visitor vehicles" / "No entry for salesmen" boards in residential localities. Although one such board is more than enough for each apartment / house, one could normally notice 2 - 4 boards in each gate. To me, these look like the new age wall posters. The real intent of the advertisers is revealed when one realizes that the advertisers name often occupies 50 - 75% of the space in the notice board and the genuine message occupies only the remaining 25 - 50%. Why can't advertisers stop putting such notice boards when they see that one such board is already present in the gate? 3 - 4 boards is definitely an overkill.
i was beginning to get worried, 10 days without a post...
ST, at 12:43 PM
Nice to know about this. Do they also do "Dogs Beware" board?? It will be funny to see.
Keep posting!
KK, at 11:58 PM
Looks ugly.
The owners of the property must be ashamed to have the heart to deface the look of their property in the course of saving a few bucks.
Anonymous, at 3:14 AM
yup! it was a vacation.
the advertisers have consciously stayed away from beware of dog signboards.
@Definitely Maybe,
The owners don't bother much as these bothers crop up overnight.
that's probably true.
Kaps, at 2:58 PM
BTW, these boards are there in all the house gates of Bangalore too! Call it a national "scheme"?
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM
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