An Ovrdoz of SMS Lingo
It might be kewl to use SMS lingo in non-SMS situations but one gets a fatigue if it is used by MSM in an inappropriate way. An Economic Times article on making money through blogs repeatedly uses the word 'Sayz' instead of says. Such SMS lingo is still acceptable if it is used rhymingly with a headline, but such usage in a news report is ridiculous.
“It was one of the most anticipated topics,” sayz Kiruba Shankar an organiser, who is also director of interactive services, Sulekha.
So what is it that will drive traffic towards your blog? “The way to make money (from your blog) is to focus on a niche subject,” sayz Mr Shankar.
For example, Mr Shankar sayz he knows a lot of people who make ‘decent money’ from writing cooking recipes.
Mr Abhinav, who was one of the speakers at Blogcamp, sayz, “Personally, I would like to see a good art blog.
SMS and EMail Lingo may soon become mainstream Lingo, while mainstream lingo may be sent to museum. This is because more than 50% of written communication is made through EMail and SMS these days.
ramki830, at 12:21 AM
May be the writer had a genuine grammar problem!!!!
Anonymous, at 12:32 AM
that is not sms language. a typo u think?
Nandhu, at 1:45 AM
Probably the writer thought it was Kewl to use it
SLN, at 4:49 AM
May be the target audience understands the SMS lingo better than normal english..
Cogito, at 10:03 AM
Abbreviations are fine, but sometimes SMS lingo comes across as immature when used in formal communication (especially when it is in writing).
If that's the case, how did he get recruited in the first place?
Don't think so. How a typo miss the eyes of editors?
could be true
Quite possible.
Kaps, at 11:04 AM
Eww..pretty sloppy editors and journalists alike..
ggop, at 2:20 PM
definitely dumb....
Balaji, at 2:46 PM right....wonder how mistakes like this get printed?
Shobha, at 4:24 PM
i think the dude truly dint know how to spell says! :) considered that?! :)
btw, congratulations on the best indi-blog nomination...
Houseowner, at 7:42 PM
This is nothing.
In fact I think Indian media has run out of good original writing ideas and they use so many cliches. For eg: "caught with his hands in the cookie jar" when politician is caught by camera or something.
The websites like rediff, IBN contain cheesy headlines that rhyme horribly.
The best writing styles are still maintaines by European and American newspapers.
Anonymous, at 11:09 PM
Where are you put up in Singapore?
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM
How about the typewriter/keyboard being faulty...? Shows s but prints Z.. :D
Anonymous, at 5:51 AM
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