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Sambhar Mafia - Cooked To Kill!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So much fuss over a Mookuthi

We have read many stories about European universities banning religious headgear (like turbans), but this is the first time I’m coming across a story where an educational institution has opposed the wearing of a Mookuthi (nose-stud).

A South African school student of Indian descent has been waging a legal battle with her school (Link in Tamil) in order to uphold her right to wear the mookuthi. The school didn't allow the mookuthi as it was not permitted under the school's code of conduct.

A young Tamil-origin woman in South Africa is sticking to her contention that wearing of a nose stud is a time-honoured tradition and that it’s her constitutional right to do so.

Pillay stood her ground since 2004 when the school demanded that she stop wearing the nose ring. But her mother, Navi Pillay, contended from the start that wearing of a nose stud was a right for passage for adolescent girls whose lineage can be traced to south India. The school, however, banned the girl from wearing the nose stud and the Pillay family took the case to the Durban High Court, which ruled in favour of the school. [Link]

Let’s hope Sunali Pillay succeeds in her battle and the school appreciates and understands the feelings of people from different cultures and religions.

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  • I think the school views it as another weird body-piercing ritual that teenagers go thru (can't say I blame them - the school i.e.!) - but I wonder about all this fuss about cultural lineage and all that - I dont know about this family - but in general, there are familes where generations ago, they settled in some foreign country - and the kids grow up like other kids of that country in most other ways - and in some cases, cannot even speak their mother tongue with any ease - then why all this fuss about a nose stud?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:12 PM  

  • Why are the parents making a big deal out of this ? Forget a far off land like South Africa. haven't we sacrificed/compromised on things while we were at school. I remember one of school teacher tell us that they were'nt allowed to wear bindi in ths school she studied. Does it make her any less cultural ? I dont mean to say you cant question rules the school puts, but this far too trivial issue to be fought in court for 2 years.


    By Blogger narayanan, at 11:27 PM  

  • I have not read the details of the case. If the school considered it important to forbid the girl from wearing it, does it become less important when the parents seek to block the decision of the school in a court of law ?

    let's not decide what should be dear to others. to every woman her own !

    the freedom to be cannot be compromised.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:32 AM  

  • Hi Friend,
    Can you help me in reading the book "The polyester prince". This is vijayanand from Bangalore.

    I can be contacted at: gvijay23@gmail.com

    By Blogger G.Vijay anand, at 5:36 PM  

  • Hmmm aren't there schools in India which do the same? I don't see any reason why the girl can't take the mookuthi off atleast when she goes to school.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 PM  

  • Onve the Diamond Mookuthi og Godess Kanykumari protected a ship. In the monnlight the Diamnond Mookuyhi worked as a Liht house beam!

    SO the present problem mat it dazzles so much. If the reason is not that sure South Africans should behave better!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:20 AM  

  • Yet another example for the countless tyrannies inflicted on traditionalists worldwide (across races, classes, religions and nations)...

    In the name of progressiveness, secularism and modernity. What ever happened to individual's quest for identity?

    By Blogger ramki830, at 1:47 AM  

  • Ridiculous. Our elders *want* us to have our noses pierced, our schools don't...gah! Roomba vambu.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:43 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Aslam Pyarajan, at 9:32 PM  

  • "mookuuthi mutth azhagu" paadunavaen setthurvaan..

    By Blogger Aslam Pyarajan, at 9:34 PM  

  • hi,your blog is colourful

    By Blogger sush.com, at 8:00 PM  

  • Oh, live by rules, die by rules. The 'best' thing about rules is it takes away perspectives and reduces humans to machines programmed with Dos and Donts.

    By Blogger Anil P, at 12:33 PM  

  • One more instance of denial of rights.I think as long as the person does not mean offense, the school should not have any problem!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 PM  

  • Hi friend
    Very nice blog be ahead and best of luck

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:59 PM  

  • We do not need to wear religion on our head, nose or holster. Isn't it enough that you can wear your religion on the names? Most schools dont allow body piercing (reasons debatable). Why should they make an exception on the nose?

    Foot note: I wanted to hang a bird feather from my ear (yours truly is a male) as a fashion statement. The teachers in the schools in India did not allow it, but there were girls wearing mookuthi in my class. I was offended and mad.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:29 AM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:56 PM  

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